The Knowledge Management Platform will help ensure that the information generated through biodiversity information-sharing between the AMS and ACB is translated into policy and action. It aspires that the Knowledge Management Plan will provide guidance in terms of recognising the processes involved, addressing prevailing knowledge management gaps and challenges, and finding solutions to improve processes and synergies.

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Category Thematic Concern Filename Description Status
PublicationCoastal and Marine BiodiversityLife beneath the canopy: How mangroves, seagrass beds, and reefs form a vital marine webA publication showcasing the interconnected roles of mangroves, seagrass beds, and coral reefs in sustaining marine ecosystems.available
PublicationAccess and Benefit Sharingtesting2024testing2024available
Peer-Reviewed Journal ArticlesClimate Change and BiodiversityLong-term carbon sink in Borneo’s forests halted by drought and vulnerable to edge effectsThe article assesses the status of Borneo’s forests using data on the impacts of drought and edge effects.available
Peer-Reviewed Journal ArticlesClimate Change and BiodiversityMicrohabitats reduce animals exposure to climate extremes The article investigates the effectiveness of microhabitats in buffering extreme climate events for thermally sensitive animals like frogs and lizards.available
Peer-Reviewed Journal ArticlesSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementThe Impact of Conservation on the Status of the Worlds VertebratesThe article assesses the status of the worlds vertebrates using data from the IUCN Red List.available
Peer-Reviewed Journal ArticlesSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementThe conservation status of the worlds reptilesThe article assesses the global extinction risk of reptiles.available
Peer-Reviewed Journal ArticlesSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementMeasuring the Meltdown: Drivers of Global Amphibian Extinction and DeclineThe article assesses the factors contributing to the decline of amphibian biodiversity.available
Peer-Reviewed Journal ArticlesSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementPhylogenetics of Fanged Frogs: Testing Biogeographical Hypotheses at the Interface of the Asian and Australian Faunal ZonesThe article examines the biogeography of the fanged frog genus Limnonectes in Southeast Asia, the Philippines, and Wallacea.available
Peer-Reviewed Journal ArticlesSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementEvolutionary Processes of Diversification in a Model Island ArchipelagoThis article reviews recent advancements in understanding the evolution and distribution of Philippine vertebratesavailable
Peer-Reviewed Journal ArticlesSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementOngoing declines for the worlds amphibians in the face of emerging threatsThe article presents the findings of the second Global Amphibian Assessmentavailable
Peer-Reviewed Journal ArticlesASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementAverting biodiversity collapse in tropical forest protected areasThe article assesses the effectiveness of tropical protected areas in conserving biodiversity.available
Peer-Reviewed Journal ArticlesASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementLocal people value environmental services provided by forested parksThe article highlights the importance of local peoples support for maintaining protected areas. available
Case StudiesSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementImpact of the CITES listing of Sea Horses on the Status of the Species and on Human Well-being in the Philippines: A case studyThe study examines the unintended consequences of listing seahorses under CITES Appendix II in the Philippines and suggests improvements to CITES implementation.available
Case StudiesSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementTurtule Islands, Resource and Livelihoods under threat: A Case Study on the PhilippinesThis WWF case study from the Philippines shares lessons from conservation and development initiatives for Turtle Islands.available
Case StudiesSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementThe Use of Animals as Photo Props to Attract Tourists in Thailand: A case study of the Slow Loris Nycticebus spp.The case study highlights the illegal trade of slow lorises in Phuket and calls for stricter measures to address it.available
Case StudiesSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementInternational wildlife trade, avian influenza, organized crime and the effectiveness of CITES: The Chinese hwamei as a case studyThe case study examines the effectiveness of the CITES Appendix II listing of Chinese hwamei to regulate international tradeavailable
Case StudiesSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementExploring cultural drivers for wildlife trade via an ethnoprimatological approach: a case study of slender and slow lorises (Loris and Nycticebus) in South and Southeast AsiaThe study examines the trade in slow and slender lorises in South and Southeast Asia, identifying cultural drivers and proposing conservation strategies.available
Case StudiesSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementIllegal Wildlife Trade in Traditional Markets, on Instagram and Facebook: Raptors as a Case StudyThe study examines the illegal trade of birds of prey in Indonesia, focusing on their prevalence in bird markets and online platforms.available
Case StudiesASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementAncestral Domain and National Park Protection: Mutually Supportive Paradigms? A Case Study of the Mt. Kitanglad Range National Park, Bukidnon, PhilippinesA case study exploring the relationship between ancestral domains and national park protection in the Philippines.available
Case StudiesASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementGender and marine protected areas: a case study of Danajon Bank, PhilippinesThe study examines the role of gender in community-based management of marine protected areas in the Central Philippinesavailable
Case StudiesCoastal and Marine BiodiversityMarine Reserves as Tools for Fishery Management and Biodiversity Conservation: Natural Experiments in the Central Philippines (1974-2000) A case study examining the impact of marine reserves on coral reef fisheries in the Philippines.available
Case StudiesCoastal and Marine BiodiversityThe Marine Conservation Project for San Salvador: A Case Study of Fisheries Co-Management in the PhilippinesThe case study examines the challenges faced by a coastal community in the Philippines due to overfishing and destructive fishing practices. available
Case StudiesCoastal and Marine BiodiversityCoastal Resource Management in the Philippines: A Case Study in the Central Visayas RegionA case study discussing community-based coastal resource management initiatives in the Visayas region of the Philippines.available
Case StudiesCoastal and Marine BiodiversityLinking marine biodiversity conservation and poverty alleviation: A case study in selected rural communities of Sagay Marine Reserve, Negros OccidentalThe study investigates the relationship between biodiversity conservation and poverty alleviation in Sagay Marine Reserve, Philippinesavailable
Case StudiesTransboundary Protected AreasIntegrating connectivity in marine protected area design: A case study between the Philippines and TaiwanA case study proposing a model to integrate connectivity in marine protected area design.available
Case StudiesUrban BiodiversityThe Importance of Multilevel and Multidimensional Approaches to Integrated Resources Management: A Case Study of a Philippines WatershedA case study advocating for a multilevel and multidimensional approach to integrated resources management in the Philippines.available
Workshop ProceedingsAccess and Benefit SharingProceedings of the Workshop on Networking of Marine Protected Areas: Benefits, Good Practices, Standards and Next StepsThis publication summarizes the results of one of the workshops held during the East Asian Seas Congress 2009 on Networking of Marine Protected Areasavailable
Workshop ProceedingsAccess and Benefit SharingWorkshop on Trade, Biodiversity and BioTrade in the ASEAN regionThe webinar aimed to raise awareness and understanding of the importance of sustainable trade in biodiversity-based products, and particularly BioTrade in the ASEAN region.available
Workshop ProceedingsBiodiversity Information ManagementPresentation for the Regional Workshop for South, South-East, and East Asia on Updating National Biodiversity Strategies and Action PlansA copy of the Presentation for the Regional Workshop for South, South-East, and East Asia on Updating National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plansavailable
Biodiversity Knowledge-sharing PlatformsBiodiversity Information ManagementGlobal Knowledge Support Service for BiodiversityLink to Global Knowledge Support Service for Biodiversityavailable
Biodiversity Knowledge-sharing PlatformsBiodiversity Information ManagementKnowledge Management for Biodiversity (KM4B) Discussion ForumLink to the Knowledge Management for Biodiversity (KM4B) Discussion Forumavailable
Case StudiesClimate Change and BiodiversityCase Study: Improving Ecosystem Management to Strengthen Resilience to Extreme Weather in the PhilippinesA USAID project in the Philippines used ecosystem-based adaptation to conserve biodiversity and help communities adapt to climate changeavailable
Workshop ProceedingsSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementFirst Regional Capacity Building Workshop for CMS Non-Parties of South and South-East AsiaPromotes CMS membership among South and Southeast Asian countries and highlight its importance for conserving migratory species and implementing national biodiversity strategies.available
Case StudiesSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementSelecting safe zone for threatened species conservation: a case study of a watershed in the southern PhilippinesThe study proposes a Multi-Criteria Overlay Raster Analysis framework to identify potential Critical Habitat or Protected Areas for threatened species in the Philippines. available
Case StudiesSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementConservation Letter: Deforestation—The Philippine Eagle as a Case Study in Developing Local Management Partnerships with Indigenous Peoples The study examines the impact of deforestation on raptor populations and highlights the importance of including Indigenous communities in conservation efforts. available
Peer-Reviewed Journal ArticlesSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementCase studies on decapod crustaceans from the Philippines reveal deep, steep underwater slopes as prime habitats for ‘rare’ speciesThe study examines the concept of rarity in marine invertebrates, particularly decapod crustaceans from deep, steep slopes.available
Workshop ProceedingsThe Economics of Ecosystems and BiodiversityProceedings of the First International Conference on School-Plus-Home Garden cum Biodiversity Enhancement Enterprise (SHGBEE1)Workshop in Coron, Palawan, Philippines, focused on sharing experiences and best practices in school and home gardening for biodiversity enhancement and enterprise development in Southeast Asia.available
Case StudiesThe Economics of Ecosystems and BiodiversityBalancing Conservation and Livelihoods: A Study of Forest-dependent Communities in the PhilippinesThe study examines the relationship between land cover, land use, protected area management, and socioeconomic status in forest-dependent communities in the Philippines.available
Workshop ProceedingsAgricultural BiodiversityRegional Workshop on Taking Action on Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture in Asia and the PacificMeeting Report of the Regional Workshop on Taking Action on Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture in Asia and the Pacificavailable
Case StudiesAgricultural BiodiversityThe In Situ Conservation of Rice Plant Genetic Diversity: A Case Study from a Philippine BarangayThe study examines the state of rice plant genetic diversity in the Philippines and its decline over the past 30 years.available
Case StudiesAgricultural BiodiversityAgricultural Biodiversity and Coastal Food Systems: A Socio-ecological and Trans-ecosystem Case Study in Aurora Province, PhilippinesThis paper presents a ridge-to-reef case study on Philippine biodiversity conservation that focused on reducing agricultural chemicals as a contribution to development goalsavailable
Case StudiesASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementCRITICAL HERITAGE AND BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION IN THE NORTHERN PHILIPPINES: A CASE STUDYThe case study examines the challenges faced by rural communities in biodiversity hotspots, highlighting their marginalization and the need for integrated conservation.available
Case StudiesASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementImportance of indigenous communities’ knowledge and perception in achieving biodiversity conservation: A case study from Manobo tribe of Southern Mindanao, PhilippinesThe study examines the knowledge and perceived importance of biodiversity among the Manobo tribe in Southern Mindanao, Philippines.available
Case StudiesASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementThe Last Stand of a watershed forest in Southern Philippines: a case study of land cover and biodiversityThe study examines land cover change and biodiversity in a watershed in the Southern Philippinesavailable
Case StudiesASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementScience-Driven Management of Protected Areas: A Philippine Case StudyThe study examines the potential impacts of different management scenarios on bird populations in the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park, Philippines. available
Workshop ProceedingsCoastal and Marine BiodiversityRegional Consultation on Ocean Law and Policy for ASEAN Blue Economy: Protecting the marine environment and sustainably using marine resourcesProceeding of the Regional Consultation on Ocean Law and Policy for ASEAN Blue Economyavailable
Peer-Reviewed Journal ArticlesCoastal and Marine BiodiversityEffectiveness of Marine Protected Areas in the Philippines for Biodiversity ConservationEvaluates the conservation effectiveness of MPAs in the Philippines, finding that the current extent and distribution of MPAs do not adequately represent biodiversity.available
Case StudiesCoastal and Marine BiodiversityCommunity-based coastal resource management in the Philippines: a case studyThis study examines the impact of community-managed protected areas on coral reefs and fish yields in the Philippines.available
Case StudiesCoastal and Marine BiodiversityReef management in developing countries: a case study in the PhilippinesThe study examines the challenges of conserving coral reefs in developing countries and presents a case study of a successful conservation effort in the Philippines.available
Case StudiesCoastal and Marine BiodiversityRehabilitating mangrove ecosystem services: A case study on the relative benefits of abandoned pond reversion from Panay Island, PhilippinesThe study compares the functionality and ecosystem services delivery of rehabilitated mangroves in different intertidal locations in the Philippines.available
Case StudiesCoastal and Marine BiodiversityBiodiversity of Chordata in the Philippine Sea: A case study based on OBISThe paper focuses on the distribution of marine Chordata biodiversity in the Philippine Sea, particularly those species with threatened status. available
Case StudiesUrban BiodiversityBiodiversity in urban schools: exploring the potential for sustainability – a case study in the PhilippinesThe study examines the biodiversity found in school grounds and investigates how schools can contribute to environmental conservation and education.available
Biodiversity Knowledge-sharing PlatformsAccess and Benefit SharingPortal for Knowledge Management for Biodiversity (KM4B) InitiativeLink to the Portal for Knowledge Management for Biodiversity (KM4B) Initiativeavailable
Biodiversity Knowledge-sharing PlatformsBiodiversity Information ManagementClearing House Mechanism Website of IndonesiaOfficial website of the Clearing House Mechanism of Indonesiaavailable
Biodiversity Knowledge-sharing PlatformsBiodiversity Information ManagementClearing House Mechanism Website of CambodiaOfficial Website of the Clearing House Mechanism of Cambodiaavailable
Biodiversity Knowledge-sharing PlatformsBiodiversity Information ManagementClearing House Mechanism Website of MalaysiaOfficial website of the Clearing House Mechanism of Malaysiaavailable
Biodiversity Knowledge-sharing PlatformsBiodiversity Information ManagementClearing House Mechanism Website of MyanmarOfficial Website of the Clearing House Mechanism of Myanmaravailable
Biodiversity Knowledge-sharing PlatformsBiodiversity Information ManagementClearing House Mechanism Website of ThailandOfficial Website of the Clearing House Mechanism of Thailandavailable
Workshop ProceedingsBiodiversity Information ManagementKnowledge Support Service for BiodiversityA copy of the presentation about the Knowledge Support Service for Biodiversityavailable
Workshop ProceedingsBiodiversity Information ManagementASEAN Workshop on Harmonization of Reporting to Biodiversity-related Conventions Output DocumentLink to the output document of the ASEAN Workshop on Harmonization of Reporting to Biodiversity-related Conventions (2009)available
Workshop ProceedingsClimate Change and BiodiversityProceedings of the Regional Capacity-Building Workshop on Biodiversity and Health for the ASEAN RegionIncludes the documents and resources used in the Regional Capacity-Building Workshop on Biodiversity and Health for the ASEAN Regionavailable
Workshop ProceedingsBiodiversity Information ManagementProceedings of the 26th Annual Philippine Biodiversity SymposiumSummary of the proceedings from the 26th Annual Philippine Biodiversity Symposium, focusing on various aspects of biodiversity conservation and research available
Workshop ProceedingsBiodiversity Information ManagementASEAN Workshop on Biodiversity and its Links to Human Health Workshop that talks about the importance of biodiversity for mental health and well-beingavailable
Biodiversity Knowledge-sharing PlatformsBiodiversity Information ManagementClearing House Mechanism in Myanmar (2018)Clearing House Mechanism (CHM) in Myanmar presented in 2018 to showcase its benefits and future plans for biodiversityavailable
Biodiversity Knowledge-sharing PlatformsBiodiversity Information ManagementTraining Course on Knowledge Management for Biodiversity (KM4B)Portal for the Training Course on Knowledge Management for Biodiversity (KM4B) introducing the fundamentals of knowledge management (KM)available
Workshop ProceedingsAgricultural BiodiversityReport On The Training Course On Risk Assessment Of Living Modified Organisms For South, Southeast And Pacific Asia, ManilaTraining Course On Risk Assessment Of Living Modified Organisms For South, Southeast And Pacific Asia, Manila, 7 To 11 November 2022available
VideosBiodiversity Information ManagementKM4B Webinar SeriesA program designed to share knowledge and best practices related to biodiversity conservation and management through a webinar seriesavailable
Biodiversity Knowledge-sharing PlatformsBiodiversity Information ManagementPhilippine Clearing House Mechanism WebsiteOfficial website that provides relevant information and current status of Philippine biodiversity.available
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementConvention of Biological Diversity (CBD) WebsiteOfficial Website of the Convention of Biological Diversityavailable
ACB Knowledge-sharing PlatformsBiodiversity Information ManagementACB Facebook PageThe official Facebook page of the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity; an important communication and outreach channel focused on biodiversity in the ASEAN region.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingCommunity protected areas in Cambodia (2006-2021)This dataset contains data of community zones in the natural protected areas such as the national park, biodiversity conservation corridor, wildlife sanctuary, and protected landscape in Cambodiaavailable
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingRafflesia of the PhilippinesA simple guide to the taxonomic information of Rafflesiaceae of the Philippinesavailable
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingMt. Pulag BiodiversityA list of flora and fauna that can be found in Mt. Pulag, the highest mountain in the island of Luzon, the Philippines.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingThe Birds of BorneoThis book explores Borneos avifauna with 630 bird species, including endemics, emphasizing the islands vital role in regional conservation.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingManual on Mangrove Ecoparks: Mangrove Manual Series No. 4This manual describes the key steps in identifying sites, developing a master plan and engaging the communities. It also cites specific cases of successfully established mangrove ecoparks. available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingMarine Debris Clean-up HandbookThis handbook provides guidelines for conducting systematic beach clean-ups in Brunei Darussalam to reduce marine debris and raise public awareness.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingField Guide to the Cultivated Plants of the Philippines This field guide introduces several commonly cultivated plants in the Philippines, offering user-friendly identification and insights into effective crop management.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingEndangered Beauty: Mt. Malindang and its Environs in Mindanao, Philippines This book highlights the urgent biodiversity crisis in Mt. Malindang in Mindanao, emphasizing the interconnectedness of environmental conservation and human well-being.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingIdentification Guide to Ant Genera of BorneoThis guide provides a user-friendly identification key for the diverse ant genera of Borneo, aiding environmental monitoring and conservation efforts.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingA Key to the Bats of the Philippine IslandsAn identification guide for several families and species of bats known from the Philippine Islands.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingCommon Aquatic Gastropods of Brunei DarussalamThis booklet provides an overview of common aquatic gastropods in Brunei Darussalam, focusing on species relevant to coastal ecological systems.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingDeveloping a Strategy for Pangolin Conservation in Brunei Darussalam: Refining Guidelines for the Release of Confiscated Animals and Gathering Baseline Data. This project refines pangolin release guidelines and gathers baseline data on the critically endangered Sunda pangolin in Brunei Darussalam.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingField Guide on SeagrassThis field guide covers seagrass species, their habitats, importance, threats, conservation, and assessment methods, providing essential information on seagrass ecosystems in the Philippines.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingASEAN Herbal and Medicinal Plants The book details 90 medicinal plant species from ASEAN member states, covering scientific names, descriptions, distribution, uses, and profiles.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingASEAN Herbal & Medicinal Plants Volume 2 ASEAN Herbs and Medicinal Plants Volume 2 explores traditional medicinal plants in the region, highlighting their uses, cultural significance, and economic impact.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingASEAN Herbs and Medicinal Plants Volume 3ASEAN Herbs and Medicinal Plants Volume 3 compiles 85 plant species from nine ASEAN countries, detailing names, uses, and economic potential.available
Manuals and GuidebooksBiodiversity Information ManagementThe Coastal Environmental Profile of Brunei Darussalam: Resource Assessment and Management IssuesThis book presents ways in managing the coastal zone of the country.available
Training Manuals and ToolkitsAccess and Benefit SharingNatural Resource Governance Trainer ManualA structured plan for cultivating stakeholders’ capacity to ensure efficient governance in practice, particularly the sustainability of natural resources and the livelihoods reliant on themavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsAccess and Benefit SharingTraining Manual for Lao Integrated Water Resources ManagementProduced to deepen understanding of critical water issues at the national, basin, and local levels, as well as to delineate the roles and responsibilities associated with their managementavailable
Databases and PortalsAccess and Benefit SharingConvention on Biological Diversity (CBD)The official website of CBD, the first global agreement to cover all aspects of biodiversity conservation, use and benefit-sharing. available
Factsheets and InfographicsAccess and Benefit SharingBiodiversity Contribution to Good health and WellbeingAn infographics by CBD showing how biodiversity contributes to good health and wellbeing available
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementAntWebWorld largest online database of images, specimen records, and natural history information on ants. available
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementAvibaseAn extensive database information system about all birds of the worldavailable
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementiSpotA global friendly and free community helping to identify wildlife and share natureavailable
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementFishBaseA global biodiversity information system on finfishesavailable
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementReptile DatabaseA global scientific database that collects taxonomic information on all living reptile species available
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementWorld Register of Marine Species (WoRMS)A global database that provides an authoritative and comprehensive list of names of marine organisms, including information on synonymy. available
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementPl@ntNetA global citizen science project for automatic plant identification through photographs and based on machine learning. available
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementBacDive (Bacterial Diversity Metadatabase)Worldwide largest database for standardized bacterial information. available
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementAlgaeBaseGlobal algal database of taxonomic, nomenclatural and distributional information.available
Training Manuals and ToolkitsBiodiversity Information ManagementDENR Biodiversity Monitoring System Manual for Protected AreasA set of standardized methodologies designed to advance the conservation and sustainable use of forests, as well as freshwater and marine wetlands available
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementBrunei Darussalam Sacred Natural Sites and BiodiversityShows Brunei Darussalam’s biodiversity status and conservation effortsavailable
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementBrunei Darussalam - Country ProfileStatus and trends of biodiversity, including benefits from biodiversity and ecosystem servicesavailable
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementGRIIS Profile of IndonesiaShows the Global Register of Introduced and Invasive Species of Indonesiaavailable
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementIndonesia Biodiversity AnalysisA national analysis on the status of territories of lifeavailable
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementIndonesia CITES DatabaseConvention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Floraavailable
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementbirdingplacesA comprehensive online guide to birdwatching and a worldwide map created by a community of birders. Made by and for birders and free for all users.available
Factsheets and InfographicsClimate Change and BiodiversityBiodiversity and Human HealthAn infographics by the CBD showing the relationship between Biodiversity and Human Healthavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementWildlife and Forest Crime Analytic ToolkitThis framework is directed towards systematic data collection and analysis of the operational readiness and situational awareness of a country concerning wildlife and forest crimeavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementPreventive Conservation Training: A Partnership Between the UK and MyanmarTo safeguard collections and prepare them for a dynamic programme, it is imperative to equip staff with technical knowledge and preventive conservation practices to protect valuable museum exhibitsavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementHandbook on Habitat Restoration: General Principles and Case Studies in SingaporeA compilation of in-depth case studies on habitat restoration and enhancement initiatives, primarily concentrating on urban ecosystems within Singapore and its vicinitiesavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsAgricultural BiodiversityCitizens Monitoring in Forestry (Toolbox)A myriad of tools for planning, citizen-based monitoring, and reporting catered for community forest (CF) groups to track baseline conditions and review progress or outcomes attainedavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsAgricultural BiodiversityTraining Manual – Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) Guidelines (Volumes 1 and 2)Serves as a resource for underscoring the integrated crop management (ICM) practices in the Central Dry Zone of Myanmaravailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsAgricultural BiodiversityIntroductory Course on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD): A Training Manual A material formulated to augment the ability of stakeholders to actively participate in, debate, evaluate, and ultimately implement successful REDD programs and practicesavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsCoastal and Marine BiodiversityTraining Manual for the UNESCO Foundation Course on the Protection and Management of Underwater Cultural Heritage in Asia and the PacificA component of a regional training programme that deals with capacity-building and human resource development for site managers and experts tasked with safeguarding underwater cultural heritageavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsCoastal and Marine BiodiversityCoastal Conservation and Sustainable Livelihoods Through Seaweed Aquaculture in Indonesia: A Guide for Buyers, Conservation Practitioners, and FarmersA four-part guide to mitigate environmental impacts and promote sustainable livelihoods in Indonesia by favoring the value of farmed seaweed through better farming and post-harvesting practicesavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsCoastal and Marine BiodiversityCommunity-Based Mangrove Reforestation: Coastal Resources Management ToolsDerived mostly from the development of the mangrove reforestation project in Bolinao, Pangasinan, the methods detailed in this manual offer a foundational guide for future reforestation endeavorsavailable
VideosAccess and Benefit Sharing7th ASEAN Heritage Parks ConferenceThe 7th ASEAN Heritage Parks Conference is a premier gathering dedicated to celebrating and advancing the conservation of the most treasured natural landscapes of Southeast Asiaavailable
Databases and PortalsAccess and Benefit SharingCo s Digital Flora of the Philippines FB GroupFB page that serves as an interactive outpost for the Co s Digital Flora of the Philippines websiteavailable
Databases and PortalsAccess and Benefit SharingPhilippine Biodiversity Net: Digital Library of Species A casual hangout of scientists and naturalists as well as anyone who is interested in Philippine biodiversity and wants to seriously learn about it. available
VideosAccess and Benefit SharingACB @ 15: One ASEAN for Biodiversity, 2020 and BeyondOnline gathering to celebrate 15 years of ASEAN Centre for Biodiversityavailable
VideosAccess and Benefit SharingHow to Say Biodiversity in ASEAN LanguagesA comprehensive tutorial on translating and pronouncing biodiversity in various ASEAN languagesavailable
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingThe Photographic Guide to the Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises of MyanmarThis photographic guide will prove a useful and essential book for those people working together to save Myanmar turtles from extinction.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingPlant Species of IUCN Red List in MyanmarThis document is the record of plant species listed under IUCN Red List in Myanmar.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingMyanmar National Red List of Threatened SpeciesThis report summarizes the assessment process and its results with detailed descriptions for some selected threatened species in Myanmar.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingA Checklist of Trees, Shrubs, Herbs, and Climbers of MyanmarThe document list a checklist of the gymnosperms and angiosperms of the Southeast Asian country of Myanmar. available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingThreatened Ecosystems of Myanmar: An IUCN Red List of Ecosystems AssessmentThe IUCN RLE aims to support conservation in resource use and management decisions by identifying ecosystems most at risk of collapse. available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingMyanmar Protected Areas: Context, Current Status, and ChallengesThis document shows the conserved an extraordinary natural and cultural heritage of Myanmar that is in part represented in its protected area system.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingThe status and distribution of freshwater biodiversity in Indo-BurmaThis volume represents a major advance in knowledge for informing development actions at a scale appropriate for conservation management.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingCitizens Guide to Coordinating Environmental Law EnforcementA guide for the citizen to environmental law enforcement coordination prepared by the Environmental Law Coordination Centeravailable
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingInspection Manual for use in Commercial Reptile Breeding Facilities in Southeast AsiaThis publication is one of the reports and tools which provide information and guidance to Parties in a particular area of concern based on needs identified by developing countries.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingA Guidebook to the Macrofungi of Frasers HillThis guidebook provides information on the macrofungi of Frasers Hill in Malaysiaavailable
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingA Guidebook to the Macrofungi of Tasik BeraThis guidebook provides a brief description of the general categories of macrofungi that can be found at Tasik Bera.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingGuidebook to the Biodiversity of Linting wetlandsA guidebook to the biodiversity and ecosystem of Linting Wetlands in the state of Johor, Malaysia.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingA quick scan of peatlands in MalaysiaThis document provides a quick scan of the peatlands of Malaysia.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingMangrove Guidebook for MalaysiaThis guidebook is designed as an easy and practical field guide for those involved in the field management of mangroves, for students and those interested to learn more about mangrove plants.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingGunung Stong State Forest Park: A GuidebookA guidebook on the biodiversity of Gunung Stong State Forest Park and its general geological background.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingA Guide for Ecotourists: Nature in the Heart of BorneoThis guidebook features many hidden mythical and charms of highland forests and people of the Malaysian Borneo in Sarawak.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingInsects of Putrajaya Lake and Wetland: Insect GuidebookA guidebook on the biodiversity of Insects in Putrajaya Lake and Wetland, Malaysia.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingMangrove Guidebook for Southeast AsiaA guidebook attempting to classify all mangrove species and for those involved in the management and conservation of mangroves in Southeast Asia.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingMangroves for Coastal Defence: Guidelines for coastal managers & policymakersThis guidebook provides an in-depth analysis on the role that mangroves play in defense against waves, storms, tsunamis, erosion and sea level rise.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingTowards climate-responsible peatlands managementThe aim of this guidebook is to support the reduction of GHG emissions from managed peatlands and present guidance for responsible management practices that can maintain peatlands ecosystem servicesavailable
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingA Field Guide to the Birds of Peninsular Malaysia and SingaporeA field guide presenting species of birds in Peninsular Malaysia and Singaporeavailable
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingA Field Guide and Key to the Snakes of the Danum Valley, A Bornean Tropical Forest EcosystemThis field guide presents the snake species of Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingMarine Fishes of Southeast AsiaThis beautifully illustrated marine fish guide encompasses the singularly diverse and rich oceans from southeast Asia to Australia.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingBirds of Southeast AsiaThis field guide covers bird species in Southeast Asia with illustrations and figures of the species.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingCommon Birds of Malaysia: A Pocket Field Guide BookThis book provides a photographic guide and description of each bird, their ecological roles and also their conservation status based on the IUCN.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingField Guide to Fishes and Crustaceans of the Southeast Asian RegionA field guide to the fishes and crustaceans within the waters of the Southeast Asian Region. available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingField Guide for the Edible Crustacea of the PhilippinesThis field guide presents the different species crustaceans with photographs and illustrations of the species.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingField Guide to Look-Alike Sharks and Rays Species of the Southeast Asian RegionThis guide provides a simple user-friendly brief description on similarities and distinctive characteristics of sharks, rays and two pairs of skates look-alike species. available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingField Guide to Sharks of the Southeast Asian RegionThis guidebook is developed to help fisheries biologists, scientists, fishers, anglers, and public to identify species of sharks in the Southeast Asian region.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingField Guide to the Waterbirds of ASEANThis field guide presents the species of waterbirds of the ten ASEAN Member States with descriptions and illustrations of the species.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingGuide for Rattan spp.This book summarizes the current state of knowledge about the systematics and ecology of Myanmar rattans.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingPhilippine Coastal Management Guidebook Series No. 1: Coastal Management Orientation and OverviewThis first book of the CRM guidebook series presents the overview of coastal management and the rationale for its existence in the Philippines.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingPhilippine Coastal Management Guidebook Series No. 2: Legal and Jurisdictional Framework for Coastal ManagementThis second book of the CRM guidebook series presents the national laws and policies governing coastal management.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingPhilippine Coastal Management Guidebook Series No. 3: Coastal Resource Management PlanningThis third book of the CRM guidebook series presents the detailed guide to the planning process focused on the local government unit perspective.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingPhilippine Coastal Management Guidebook Series No. 4: Involving Communities in Coastal ManagementThis fourth book of the CRM guidebook series addresses the importance of community involvement and support in coastal management efforts.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingPhilippine Coastal Management Guidebook Series No. 5: Managing Coastal Habitats and Marine Protected AreasThis fifth book of the CRM guidebook series presents the rationale and the means to protect, manage, and rehabilitate valuable coastal and marine habitats.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingPhilippine Coastal Management Guidebook Series No. 6: Managing Municipal FisheriesThis sixth book of the CRM guidebook series presents the overview of fisheries management in the Philippines with a focus on municipal and nearshore fisheries.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingPhilippine Coastal Management Guidebook Series No. 7: Managing Impacts of Development in the Coastal ZoneThis seventh book of the CRM guidebook series addresses the important role of planning and assessment of impacts of development activities as a component of coastal resource management.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingPhilippine Coastal Management Guidebook Series No. 8: Coastal Law EnforcementThis eighth book of the CRM guidebook series addresses perennial issues of law enforcement.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingGuidebook to Protected Areas of the PhilippinesThis book highlights the biodiversity richness, research and conservation programs, and ecotourism destinations and activities one can enjoy in the parks.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingField Guide to Cryptic Marine Invertebrates of the Philippines: A Sample of Biodiversity from Autonomous Reef Monitoring StructuresThis field guide presents the Philippine coral reefs and biodiversity and the marine invertebrate species present in the area studied.d.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingManual in the Establishment and Management of the Integrated Protected Area Fund(IPAF)This manual outlines procedures for managing the Integrated Protected Area Fund (IPAF) under the NIPAS Act for effective administration.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingThe Philippine Cave HandbookThis handbook serves as a ready reference on basics about caves, their management, protection, and classification.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingBiodiversity Monitoring System Manual for Protected AreasThis document has been prepared for improving the biodiversity conservation in protected areas of the Philippines through NORDECO.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingMarine and Wildlife Camp Student Manual and WorkbookThis student manual and workbook presents marine and wildlife biodiversity in the Philippines.available
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementeBirdLink to eBird, one of the world’s largest biodiversity-related science projects that stores checklists and data related to bird distribution, abundance, habitat use, and trends available
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementiNaturalistLink to iNaturalist, an online social network of people sharing biodiversity information to help each other learn about natureavailable
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementUnited Nations BiodiversityLink to the UN Biodiversity social media pageavailable
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementObservationA Global biodiversity platform for citizen science and monitoringavailable
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementGlobal Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)An international network and data infrastructure funded by the world governments and aimed at providing anyone, anywhere, open access to data about all types of life on Earth.available
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementMap Of Life (MOL)A scalable web platform geared for large biodiversity and environmental data, Map of Life endeavors to provide best possible species range information and species lists for any geographic area. available
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementProject NoahA worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlifeavailable
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementHerpmapperA a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization designed to gather and share information about reptile and amphibian observations across the planet. available
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementRamsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat Learn about the global treaty for wetland conservation and wise use, and the 2.5 million km2 of wetlands designated as Ramsar sites. available
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementSpiderIDLink to the global website of online collective of amateur and professional spider enthusiastsavailable
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementIUCN Red ListWorlds most comprehensive information source on the global extinction risk status of animal, fungus and plant species.available
VideosClimate Change and BiodiversityComponents & SystemsAn insightful video highlighting the critical role of diverse plant and animal species in agricultural systemsavailable
VideosClimate Change and Biodiversity4th Southeast Asia Biodiversity and Climate Change Policy ForumThis forum serves as a venue to analyze urgent climate change and biodiversity issues through discussions by recognized legal and scientific specialistsavailable
VideosClimate Change and Biodiversity2nd Southeast Asia Biodiversity and Climate Change Policy ForumThis forum serves as a venue to analyze urgent climate change and biodiversity issues through discussions by recognized legal and scientific specialistsavailable
VideosClimate Change and Biodiversity3rd Southeast Asia Biodiversity and Climate Change Policy ForumThis forum serves as a venue to analyze urgent climate change and biodiversity issues through discussions by recognized legal and scientific specialistsavailable
VideosSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementPhilippines - All About SnakesExplore the fascinating world of snakes in the ASEAN region and discover how these remarkable reptiles contribute to biodiversity conservation by maintaining ecological balanceavailable
VideosSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementPhilippines - FrogsDiscover more surprising facts about frogs in this video, coupled with insights into the ecological role they play in our ecosystems as both predators and preyavailable
Multimedia ResourcesSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementPhilippines - Alagang HandaA podcast series spotlighting the relationship between animal welfare and human well-being in the context of climate change-driven disasters in the Philippinesavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementSustainable Forest Management and Legal Trade of Forest Products: Pathways Towards Certification (Training Manual)A step-by-step instructional course crafted to guide sustainable forest management and the legal trade of forest products, ensuring compliance with national and international certification standardsavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementFacilitating Agreements for Community-Private Sector Partnerships in Forest Landscapes in Lao PDRA guide for structuring partnership agreements focused on the sustainable trade of forest products and services within the forest landscape restoration contextavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementImproving Grassroots Equity in Forests and Climate Change Context: A Training ManualSeeks to address the capacity gaps of grassroots facilitators by enhancing their expertise in establishing meaningful and inclusive engagement processes with local communitiesavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsAgricultural BiodiversityCommunity Forestry Participatory Assessment: A Guide for PractitionersAn assessment applicable to diverse community forests across South East Asia, accentuating critical aspects of social forestry management and evaluating the efficiency of current schemesavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsAgricultural BiodiversityForest Business Incubation Toolkit by and for Forest and Farm Producer OrganisationsA customized approach and institutional framework for the complex and unique nature of forest business incubation, crucial for scaling up incentives for forest restoration and sustainable managementavailable
VideosASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementPhilippines - Botanic GardensDiscover the vital role that botanic gardens play in safeguarding biodiversity by conserving rare plant species, and promoting environmental education and researchavailable
VideosASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementEffectively Managing Networks of Marine Protected Areas in Large Marine Ecosystems in the ASEAN Region (ASEAN ENMAPS)This webinar covers the launching and inception workshop of ASEAN ENMAPS that aims to facilitate transformative changes in the collaborative management of marine protected areasavailable
VideosASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementCambodia - The Heaven for Biodiversity (Virachey National Park)This video explores the breathtaking beauty of Virachey National Park, nestled in the heart of Cambodia with its stunning landscape and an incredible array of flora and faunaavailable
VideosASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementIndonesia - The Identity of LeuserWitness the vibrant ecosystems that flourish in Gunung Leuser National Park, one of the most pristine and diverse natural wonders of ASEAN located in North Sumatra, Indonesiaavailable
VideosASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementViet Nam - Hoang Lien National ParkThis video introduces Hoang Lien National Park, a natural wonder renowned for its dramatic peaks, lush valleys, and cascading waterfalls, and home to the highest mountain in Indochinaavailable
VideosASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementLao PDR - Nam Ha National Protected Area (Small Village in the Big Forest)Learn more about the harmonious coexistence between nature and people in the Nam Ha National Protected Area of Lao PDRavailable
Multimedia ResourcesASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementMalaysia - The Bateq People & Their Ancient FolkloresThis evocative narration delves into the vibrant cultural identity of the Bateq people, an indigenous group from the heart of Malaysia renowned for their deep connection to the forestavailable
VideosASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementBrunei Darussalam - Tasek Merimbun Heritage ParkThis short film journeys into Tasek Merimbun Heritage Park, highlighting its ecological significance and the ongoing conservation effortsavailable
VideosASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementSingapore - Freshwater Gems of Bukit Timah Nature ReserveThis video dives into the hidden freshwater treasures of Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, exploring everything from its serene streams to its vibrant aquatic lifeavailable
VideosASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementThailand - Khao Sok National ParkThis vlog uncovers the breathtaking beauty of Khao Sok National Park, a gem nestled in Thailand offering a paradise for nature enthusiastsavailable
VideosASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementMalaysia - Life in Gusai (Taman Negara National Park)This video aims to display the relationship between the local community and the surrounding biodiversityavailable
VideosASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementPhilippines - SARIBUHAY: Watercolor Tutorials (Mt. Kitanglad Range Natural Park)This immersive workshop delivers a step-by-step tutorial in creating stunning landscapes via watercolor, drawing inspiration from the breathtaking beauty of Mt. Kitanglad Range Natural Parkavailable
VideosASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementIndonesia - Virtual Tour: The Journey to Great Taman Nasional Gunung LeuserThis video embarks on an adventure through Taman Nasional Gunung Leuseravailable
Multimedia ResourcesASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementLao PDR - Appreciation, Harmonization, and Peaceful Coexistence with Nature (Nam Ha National Protected Area)This insightful photo series explores the intricate relationships that exist between ethnic communities, wildlife, and the natural world in the Nam Ha National Protected Area of Laosavailable
Multimedia ResourcesASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementMyanmar - Life In and Around Inlay LakeThis photo series showcases the beauty in and around Inlay Lake, exploring the traditional floating villages and bustling markets that define the local way of lifeavailable
Multimedia ResourcesASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementViet Nam - Biodiversity and Ethnic Groups (Hoang Lien National Park)A photo series highlighting the ethnic groups and their traditional practices that contribute to the conservation and sustainable management of natural resources and cultural heritageavailable
Multimedia ResourcesASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementSingapore - A Literary Trail of Sungei Buloh Wetland ReserveInspired by the only wetland on the ASEAN Heritage Parks list, this literary trail takes you to an immersive experience around Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve with audio back tracks recorded onsiteavailable
Multimedia ResourcesASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementPhilippines - Sa Yakap ng Kitanglad: KalupaanThis visual poetry transports you to the awe-inspiring landscapes of Mt. Kitanglad Range Natural Park in the Philippinesavailable
Multimedia ResourcesASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementPhilippines - Sa Yakap ng Kitanglad: Buhay-ilangThis visual poetry journeys through the diverse fauna of Mt. Kitanglad Range Natural Park in the Philippinesavailable
Multimedia ResourcesASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementPhilippines - Sa Yakap ng Kitanglad: TaoThis visual poetry delves into the heart of Mt. Kitanglad Range Natural Park, focusing on the people who inhabit and cherish the remarkable landscapeavailable
Multimedia ResourcesASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementPhilippines - BUHI Book 1: Stories of KitangladThrough captivating illustrations, this interactive storybook unveils the beauty and significance of Mt. Kitanglad while featuring the traditional practices and stories of local ethnic groupsavailable
Multimedia ResourcesASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementThailand - Spectacular CreaturesAn interactive book revealing the extraordinary fauna that thrive in the ecosystem of Khao Sok National Parkavailable
VideosCoastal and Marine BiodiversityPhilippines - World Ocean Day 2023 DocumentaryA special documentary exploring the sustainable tourism practices in El Nido, Palawan, Philippines, featuring insightful interviews advocating for responsible travel and environmental stewardshipavailable
VideosCoastal and Marine BiodiversityRegional Wetlands CelebrationThis online gathering features interactive presentations dedicated to celebrating the unique ecological value of wetlands in sustaining our environment and communitiesavailable
Multimedia ResourcesUrban BiodiversityCOVID-19: What We Need to Know About this Zoonotic DiseaseThis podcast uncovers the science behind zoonotic diseases, delving into its origins, spread, and impact that reshaped our worldavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsAccess and Benefit SharingMainstreaming Gender into ABS Value Chains - Gender ToolkitThe tool highlights underlying gender dynamics relevant to genetic resources management, which can be tailored to meet the needs of sector-specific interventions related to biodiversity and beyondavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsAccess and Benefit SharingGender-Responsive Toolkit on Ecotourism Planning and ManagementThis gender-responsive toolkit allows the implementation of an ecotourism program that integrates biodiversity conservation, mobilizing both women and men in committing to support its developmentavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsAccess and Benefit SharingSustainable & Inclusive Landscape Governance: A Toolkit for Dialogue FacilitatorsThis toolkit outlines landscape governance dialogue—guiding practitioners in the proper design and effective facilitation of such, demonstrating how it is built in practice and on the groundavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsAccess and Benefit SharingForest Foundation Philippines Communications ToolkitThis toolkit intends to facilitate Forest Foundation Philippines’ partner organizations in developing their communication strategies and engaging more productively with their target stakeholdersavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsBiodiversity Information ManagementSukat ng Kalikasan (SnK) ToolkitThis toolkit aims to evaluate and quantify High Conservation Values within the Philippines’ Key Biodiversity Areas, marking a significant advancement in the country’s natural resource managementavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsBiodiversity Information ManagementGeographic Information System For Climate And Disaster Risk Assessment Training ManualThis manual facilitates the vulnerability assessment and map generation of a given locality, discussing the role of GIS in hazard and disaster-risk reduction, land use zoning, and change modellingavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsClimate Change and BiodiversityToolkit for Parliamentarians: Advancing Sustainable Climate Finance Policies and ActionThis toolkit empowers legislators to effectively advocate, allocate, and oversee financial resources for climate mitigation, adaptation, and resilience-building efforts across South East Asiaavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsClimate Change and BiodiversityTraining Manual on Climate Proofing for Development (CP4D)This training manual is structured to enhance the capacity of the Department, its offices, bureaus, and stakeholders in fulfilling their mandate and taking action on climate change adaptationavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsClimate Change and BiodiversityClimate Change Adaptation Among Farm Families and Stakeholders: A Toolkit for Assessment and AnalysisThis toolkit seeks to increase farming communities’ adaptive resilience to climate change through local area planning, capacity development, monitoring, and evaluation of rural undertakingsavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsClimate Change and BiodiversityClimate Budgeting for Local Government Training ManualThis document categorizes climate change activities into adaptation and mitigation, and organizes them by strategic priorities to help identify climate-responsive programs, projects, and activitiesavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementCommunity-Based Mangrove Rehabilitation Training Manual This manual offers science-based protocols for mangrove rehabilitation in the Philippines following the devastation of Super Typhoon Yolanda in 2013available
Training Manuals and ToolkitsSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementParalegal Training Manual for Protected AreasThe manual is crafted to assist community-based paralegals in training new law enforcers in safeguarding biodiversity within protected areasavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementNatural Resource Assessment Training ManualThis manual focuses on identifying and prioritizing healthy and stable natural resources amidst a changing climate by operationalizing the Natural Resource Assessment processavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementTraining Module Towards Capacity Building and Awareness on Mimosa pigraA document created to impart a fundamental understanding of methods for preventing the introduction of Invasive Alien Species, which pose ongoing threats to Cambodia’s biodiversity and vegetationavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementGuidelines for the Identification of High Conservation Values in Indonesia (HCV Toolkit Indonesia)Serves as a standard protocol for conducting HCV assessments across various sectors—encompassing environmental, social, and cultural aspects—such as forestry, mining land-use planning, and so onavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementHigh Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) Toolkit for MalaysiaA practical guide for forest managers and stakeholders to identify, manage, and monitor HCVFs in Malaysia, following national and international forest management standardsavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementIdentification Training on Sharks and Rays: Species Visual ID and Design MonitoringA field guide for landing monitoring of sharks and rays, representing a survey method to gather both biological and fisheries data, along with patterns of utilization in a particular areaavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsThe Economics of Ecosystems and BiodiversityEnvironment and Natural Resource Accounting Training ModuleEstablishes a baseline of resources and ecosystem services, facilitates appropriate pricing, informs policy, sets up green income accounts, and tracks the effects of climate change adaptationavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsThe Economics of Ecosystems and BiodiversityBuilding Out a Toolkit for Restoration: Economic Assessments from Peru, Indonesia and CambodiaThis document seeks to develop a database of restoration models featuring key information on investment costs and benefits, drawn from real cases in Peru, Indonesia, and Cambodiaavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsAgricultural BiodiversityPractical and Inclusive Capacity Development in Forested Landscapes: A Toolkit for Capacity DevelopersServes as a resource for civil society organizations and other landscape stakeholders involved in capacity development initiatives, fostering collaborative conservation of forest landscapeavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsCoastal and Marine BiodiversityBiodiversity-Friendly Enterprise ToolkitThis provides the essential tools and emerging standards to assist people’s organizations in pursuing sustainable livelihoods compatible with program management and policies in protected areas (PA)available
Training Manuals and ToolkitsCoastal and Marine BiodiversityCoastal Laws: Enforcement ToolkitA toolkit fitted for local enforcers’ use in their enforcement functions, providing a detailed approach to strengthening the monitoring, control, and surveillance system for fisheries law enforcementavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsCoastal and Marine BiodiversityShark Conservation Legislation: A Toolkit for Philippine Policy MakersThis two-part toolkit offers a comprehensive range of policies and assessments aimed at conserving, protecting, and sustainably utilizing sharks in the Philippine contextavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsCoastal and Marine BiodiversityToolkit Guide: Innovative Tools for Valuing Ecosystems, Sustaining Business, and Promoting ChangeA set of tools that illustrate the link between coral reef, seagrass, and mangrove ecosystems and community welfare, aiding coastal managers in enhancing ecosystem management plan implementationavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsCoastal and Marine BiodiversityTrainer’s Guide on MPA Monitoring and EvaluationThis guide presents five practical tools made to improve MPA management performance at the LGU and community levels to boost community interest, nurture cooperation, and leverage support for MPAsavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsCoastal and Marine BiodiversityParticipatory Coastal Resource Assessment: Training GuideThis guide details various methods for local stakeholders to discover, document, and gain a deeper understanding of the key environmental and social characteristics of a coastal areaavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsCoastal and Marine BiodiversityCoastal Resource Management Training GuideThis guide offers insights into the technical approach for governance-enhanced CRM processes and fisheries management plans, assisting LGUs in utilizing analytical and decision-making toolsavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsCoastal and Marine BiodiversityToolkit: Marine Protected Area Management Effectiveness Assessment ToolA management tool designed to measure the effectiveness of locally-applied MPAs, enabling objective evaluation and improvement of governance and maintenance in Philippine marine areasavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsCoastal and Marine BiodiversityScience in Coastal Resource Management Foundation Course Training ModuleA product of a program aimed to advance the expertise of higher education institutions (HEIs) needed for informed decision-making in the management of local coastal and marine resourcesavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsCoastal and Marine BiodiversityTraining Material: Designing Effective Locally Managed Areas in Tropical Marine EnvironmentsA booklet elucidating key social and ecological concepts necessary to benefit local communities, and sustain the long-term health and abundance of marine resources that support the coastal populationavailable
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingGuidelines for the Preparation of Local/Regulations on Access, Utilization of Biological Resources and Benefit SharingA manual establishing local rules/regulations for accessibility and utilization of biological resources.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingGuidelines for Access to Biological Resources and Benefit SharingA document showing guidelines for access to biological resources and sharing of benefits in Thailand.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingA Field Guide to Climbers in MacRitchie Reservoir Park (A to C) This field guide showcases the presence, distribution, and conservation status of climbers in MacRitchie Reservoir Park in Singapore.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingA Field Guide to Shrubs and Herbaceous Plants in MacRitchie Reservoir Park (E to Z)This field guide showcases the presence, distribution, and conservation status of shrubs and herbaceous plants in MacRitchie Reservoir Park in Singapore.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingA Field Guide to Shrubs and Herbaceous Plants in MacRitchie Reservoir Park (A to D)This field guide showcases the presence, distribution, and conservation status of shrubs and herbaceous plants in MacRitchie Reservoir Park in Singapore.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingA Field Guide to Ferns in MacRitchie Reservoir ParkThis field guide showcases the presence, distribution, and conservation status of ferns in MacRitchie Reservoir Park in Singapore.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingA Guide to Common Butterflies in Singapore, and Creating a Butterfly-Friendly GardenGuide to common butterflies in Singapore and key pointers in creating a butterfly-friendly garden.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingA Field Guide to Palms in MacRitchie Reservoir ParkThis field guide showcases the presence, distribution, and conservation status of palms in MacRitchie Reservoir Park in Singapore.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingA Field Guide to Plants of Singapore - Common WildflowersThis field guide showcases the presence of common wildflowers of Singapore and simple keys to identify them.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingA Field Guide to Plants of Singapore - Adinandra BelukarThis field guide showcases the common plants found in Adinandra Belukar and simple keys to identify them.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingA Field Guide to Forest Trees of Northern ThailandThis field guide presents knowledge, compassion and a sense of ecological awareness, and conservation of forest trees in Northern Thailand.available
VideosAccess and Benefit SharingPilot Episode of BiodiversiTalksThe premiere episode of BiodiversiTalks explores how social media can be harnessed to cultivate a deeper appreciation for Philippine biodiversity and natural heritage among the Filipino youthavailable
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingExploring the Environment & Nature of Chiang MaiA handbook presenting the nature, biodiversity, and culture of Chiang Mai, Thailand.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingTree Flora of Malaya: A Manual for ForestersA manual for foresters presenting a comprehensive account of the trees of Malaya.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingCoastal Wetlands in Myanmar: A Directory of Important SitesThis is a guidebook for 19 important coastal wetlands in Myanmar, providing detailed information of each site.available
Factsheets and InfographicsBiodiversity Information ManagementChampioning Biodiversity Conservation in the ASEAN RegionBiodiversity is the variety of life on Earth.available
Training Manuals and ToolkitsBiodiversity Information ManagementKey Biodiversity Areas - Training MaterialsThe materials are designed to provide KBA practitioners and experts with the knowledge and skills needed to identify and delineate Key Biodiversity Areas consistent with the KBA Standardavailable
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementBrunei Darussalam - Biodiversity DatabaseLink to the Biodiversity facts of Brunei Darussalamavailable
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementCambodia - Biodiversity DatabaseLink to the Biodiversity facts of Cambodiaavailable
Training Manuals and ToolkitsBiodiversity Information ManagementGood Practices in Biodiversity Conservation in the ASEAN Region Training ModuleThis manual sums up the four areas involved in the content build-up for the Good Practices database, promoting the documentation of biodiversity conservation-related practices in the ASEAN regionavailable
Manuals and GuidebooksBiodiversity Information ManagementGuidelines for Managing Invasive Alien Species in ThailandA document showcasing the guidelines for the management of invasive alien species in Thailand.available
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementPhilippines - CDFPLink to CDFP, a checklist of the native, naturalized, and invasive vascular plant species of the Philippinesavailable
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementPhilippines - MABIDALink to the Marine Biodiversity Database , a unified information system for valuable marine life information collected by various researchers. available
Strategic Plans and RoadmapsSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementNBSAP - Brunei DarussalamThe National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plan of Brunei Darussalamavailable
Strategic Plans and RoadmapsSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementNBSAP - CambodiaThe National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plan of Cambodia (2016)available
Strategic Plans and RoadmapsSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementNBSAP - IndonesiaThe National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plan of Indonesia (2015-2020)available
Strategic Plans and RoadmapsSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementNBSAP - Lao PDRThe National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plan of Lao PDR (2016-2025)available
Strategic Plans and RoadmapsSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementNBSAP - MalaysiaThe National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plan of Malaysia (2016-2025)available
Strategic Plans and RoadmapsSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementNBSAP - MyanmarThe National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plan of Myanmar (2015-2020)available
Strategic Plans and RoadmapsSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementNBSAP - PhilippinesThe National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plan of Philippines (2015-2028)available
Strategic Plans and RoadmapsSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementNBSAP - SingaporeThe National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plan of Singapore (2011-2020)available
Strategic Plans and RoadmapsSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementNBSAP - ThailandThe National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plan of Thailand (2015-2021)available
Training Manuals and ToolkitsSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementGender and Biodiversity in South East Asia and the Pacific - Training MaterialsThe training materials cover three modules exploring gender-biodiversity linkages, international policy commitments, and programming practicalities within the South East Asia and Pacific contextavailable
VideosASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementIndonesia - Small Grants Programme (SGP)This video highlights the significance of the Small Grants Programme (SGP) in empowering local communities to conserve the rich biodiversity of ASEAN Heritage Parks in Indonesia available
VideosASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementASEAN Biodiversity 2020This video celebrates the extraordinary biodiversity of Southeast Asia, a region teeming with a myriad of flora and fauna that sustain and enrich its local communities available
VideosUrban BiodiversityContaining the Contagion: Zoonotic Diseases in the ASEAN RegionThis insightful animation delves into the facts about zoonosis in the ASEAN region and the crucial role that biodiversity conservation plays in safeguarding both human and animal healthavailable
National ReportsAccess and Benefit SharingMyanmar - 4th National ReportThe 4th National Report of Myanmar to the Convention on Biological Diversityavailable
National ReportsAccess and Benefit SharingPhilippines - 4th National ReportThe 4th National Report of Philippines to the Convention on Biological Diversityavailable
National ReportsAccess and Benefit SharingSingapore - 4th National ReportThe 4th National Report of Singapore to the Convention on Biological Diversityavailable
National ReportsAccess and Benefit SharingThailand - 4th National ReportThe 4th National Report of Thailand to the Convention on Biological Diversityavailable
National ReportsAccess and Benefit SharingViet Nam - 4th National ReportThe 4th National Report of Viet Nam to the Convention on Biological Diversityavailable
National ReportsAccess and Benefit SharingViet Nam - 5th National ReportThe 5th National Report of Viet Nam to the Convention on Biological Diversityavailable
National ReportsAccess and Benefit SharingViet Nam - 6th National Report The 6th National Report of Viet Nam to the Convention on Biological Diversityavailable
National ReportsAccess and Benefit SharingThailand - 5th National ReportThe 5th National Report of Thailand to the Convention on Biological Diversityavailable
National ReportsAccess and Benefit SharingThailand - 6th National ReportThe 6th National Report of Thailand to the Convention on Biological Diversityavailable
National ReportsAccess and Benefit SharingSingapore - 5th National ReportThe 5th National Report of Singapore to the Convention on Biological Diversityavailable
National ReportsAccess and Benefit SharingSingapore - 6th National ReportThe 6th National Report of Singapore to the Convention on Biological Diversityavailable
National ReportsAccess and Benefit SharingPhilippines - 5th National ReportThe 5th National Report of Philippines to the Convention on Biological Diversityavailable
National ReportsAccess and Benefit SharingMyanmar - 5th National ReportThe 5th National Report of Myanmar to the Convention on Biological Diversityavailable
National ReportsAccess and Benefit SharingPhilippines - 6th National ReportThe 6th National Report of Philippines to the Convention on Biological Diversityavailable
National ReportsAccess and Benefit SharingMyanmar - 6th National ReportThe 6th National Report of Myanmar to the Convention on Biological Diversityavailable
Factsheets and InfographicsAccess and Benefit SharingPH CHM - Timeline of Philippine LegislationAn infographics showing the timeline of Philippine Legislation by Biodiversity Management Bureauavailable
National ReportsAccess and Benefit SharingBrunei Darussalam - 5th National ReportThe 5th National Report of Brunei Darussalam to the Convention on Biological Diversity.available
National ReportsAccess and Benefit SharingBrunei Darussalam - 6th National ReportThe 6th National Report of Brunei Darussalam to the Convention on Biological Diversity.available
National ReportsAccess and Benefit SharingCambodia - 4th National ReportThe 4th National Report of Cambodia to the Convention on Biological Diversity.available
National ReportsAccess and Benefit SharingCambodia - 5th National ReportThe 5th National Report of Cambodia to the Convention on Biological Diversity.available
National ReportsAccess and Benefit SharingCambodia - 6th National ReportThe 6th National Report of Cambodia to the Convention on Biological Diversity.available
National ReportsAccess and Benefit SharingIndonesia - 4th National ReportThe 4th National Report of Indonesia to the Convention on Biological Diversity.available
National ReportsAccess and Benefit SharingIndonesia - 5th National ReportThe 5th National Report of Indonesia to the Convention on Biological Diversity.available
National ReportsAccess and Benefit SharingIndonesia - 6th National ReportThe 6th National Report of Indonesia to the Convention on Biological Diversity.available
National ReportsAccess and Benefit SharingLao PDR - 4th National ReportThe 4th National Report of Lao PDR to the Convention on Biological Diversity.available
National ReportsAccess and Benefit SharingLao PDR - 5th National ReportThe 5th National Report of Lao PDR to the Convention on Biological Diversity.available
National ReportsAccess and Benefit SharingLao PDR - 6th National ReportThe 6th National Report of Lao PDR to the Convention on Biological Diversity.available
National ReportsAccess and Benefit SharingMalaysia - 4th National ReportThe 4th National Report of Malaysia to the Convention on Biological Diversity.available
National ReportsAccess and Benefit SharingMalaysia - 5th National ReportThe 5th National Report of Malaysia to the Convention on Biological Diversity.available
National ReportsAccess and Benefit SharingMalaysia - 6th National ReportThe 6th National Report of Malaysia to the Convention on Biological Diversity.available
Manuals and GuidebooksAccess and Benefit SharingManual on DNA Barcoding of Vascular Plants in Southeast AsiaThis manual represents the efforts of ACB and its partners to use DNA barcoding in taxonomy, and to reduce the taxonomic impediment particularly in the ASEAN.available
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementLao PDR - Biodiversity DatabaseLink to the Biodiversity facts of Lao PDRavailable
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementMalaysia - Biological SourcesOne Stop Information Centre for Biological Sources in Malaysia available
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementIndonesia - Biodiversity DatabaseLink to Indonesian Biodiversity Discovery and Information System (INDOBIOSYS)available
Factsheets and InfographicsBiodiversity Information ManagementSmall Grants Programme (SGP)It aims to protect nature and improve the lives of ASEAN communities.available
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementPhilippines - Biodiversity Management BureauLink to the DENR Biodiversity Management Bureauavailable
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementPhilippines - Cebu Biodiversity Information SystemLink to Cebu BioSys, a government-funded website aimed at compiling and disseminating information about the biodiversity of Cebu, Philippinesavailable
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementSingapore - Biome (Biodiversity and Environment Database System)Link to Biome, a national repository of biodiversity information of Singaporeavailable
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementBiodiversity of Singapore (BOS)Link to BOS, a rapidly growing online Digital Reference Collection of the species that can be found in Singapore.available
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementSingapore - Flora and Fauna WebLink to Flora and Fauna Web, a user-friendly one-stop information portal on both plants and animals found in Singaporeavailable
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementMyanmar Biodiversity ZoneLink to the Myanmar Biodiversity Zoneavailable
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementFlora of Myanmar DatabaseLink to the Flora of Myanmar Databaseavailable
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementViet Nam - Nature and Biodiversity conservation AgencyLink to the Department of Nature Conservation and Biodiversity, Viet Namavailable
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementThailand Environmental InstituteLink to the Thailand Environmental Institute (TEI) websiteavailable
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementThailand Biodiversity Information Facility (TH-BIF)Link to TH-BIF, a network system that collects and links information on living things in Thailand between relevant agencies and sectors available
Factsheets and InfographicsBiodiversity Information ManagementPH CHM - Forest Formations and Change Detection Maps, and AnalysisFactsheet on a BMB project called the "Forest Formations and Change Detection Maps, and Analysis"available
Factsheets and InfographicsBiodiversity Information ManagementPH CHM - Protected Area Establishment Infographics showing how protected areas were established. Created by the Biodiversity Policy and Knowledge Management Divisionavailable
Manuals and GuidebooksBiodiversity Information ManagementField Guide to the Plants of the Deer Cave Trail, Gunung Mulu National Park, SarawakThis field guide book provides scientific, cultural, and historical information on various plants and trees in the Deer Cave Trail, Gunung Mulu National Park, Sarawak in Malaysia.available
Factsheets and InfographicsClimate Change and BiodiversityKey Biodiversity Areas in the PhilippinesInfographics showing the Key Biodiversity Areas in the Philippines.available
Databases and PortalsClimate Change and BiodiversityConservation International Philippines Link to Conservation International Philippines available
Strategic Plans and RoadmapsSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementNBSAP - Viet NamThe National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plan of Viet Nam (2020-2030)available
Factsheets and InfographicsSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementPH CHM Action Plan Towards the KM-GBFInfographics showing the Action Plan Towards the KM-GBF of the PH CHMavailable
VideosThe Economics of Ecosystems and BiodiversityTrade, Biodiversity, and BioTrade in ASEANA webinar showcasing the mechanisms that mainstream biodiversity into the trade industry in the ASEAN region, focusing on Indonesia, the Philippines, and Viet Namavailable
Factsheets and InfographicsWetlands and PeatlandsPH CHM - Wetland Types InfographicsInfographics showing the types of Wetlandsavailable
KM Plan and Product DevelopmentBiodiversity Information ManagementACB Knowledge Management Plan 2022-2030The ACB KM Plan aims to respond to the needs of the ASEAN for accurate and up-to-date information for achieving biodiversity and sustainable development targetsavailable
DirectoriesAccess and Benefit SharingCBD National Focal PointsA directory of the national focal points from the ASEAN Member States for the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) as of April 25, 2024.available
ACB Knowledge-sharing PlatformsBiodiversity Information ManagementASEAN Centre for Biodiversity WebsiteThe official website of the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversityavailable
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementCambodia - National CHMLink to the National CHM of Cambodiaavailable
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementIndonesia - National CHMLink to the National CHM of Indonesiaavailable
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementMalaysia - National CHMLink to the National CHM of Malaysiaavailable
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementMyanmar - National CHMLink to the National CHM of Myanmaravailable
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementPhilippines - National CHMLink to the National CHM of the Philippinesavailable
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementSingapore - National CHMLink to the National CHM of Singaporeavailable
Databases and PortalsBiodiversity Information ManagementThailand - National CHMLink to the National CHM of Thailandavailable
ASEAN Biodiversity OutlookBiodiversity Information ManagementASEAN Biodiversity Outlook - 3rd EditionThe 3rd edition of the ASEAN Biodiversity Outlookavailable
ASEAN Biodiversity OutlookBiodiversity Information ManagementASEAN Biodiversity Outlook - 2nd EditionThe 2nd edition of the ASEAN Biodiversity Outlookavailable
DirectoriesBiodiversity Information ManagementACB Scientific Advisory CommitteeThe profiles of the members of the ACB Scientific Advisory Committeeavailable
ACB Knowledge-sharing PlatformsBiodiversity Information ManagementASEAN Biodiversity DashboardAn interactive, online platform for visualising trends and geographic variation in biodiversity indicatorsavailable
VideosBiodiversity Information ManagementBiodiversity Day 2022 - ASEAN Biodiversity Dashboard LaunchA recording of celebration of the International Day for Biological Diversity in 2022available
ACB Knowledge-sharing PlatformsBiodiversity Information ManagementACB Integrated Publishing ToolkitA free open-source software used to create and manage distributed data repositories that share biodiversity data into the GBIF networkavailable
VideosClimate Change and BiodiversityBiodiversity and Building Resilience to the Impacts of Climate Change in the ASEANA webinar which explored the complex and interrelated relationship between biodiversity conservation and climate changeavailable
VideosClimate Change and BiodiversityASEAN-UK COP26: Framing the Future for Nature and ClimateA webinar discussing the natural systems and their role in the context of the climate change and biodiversity agendasavailable
VideosSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementLet Them Bee (A Video about Pollinators)An informative video which focuses on the importance of bees and other pollinators for biodiversity and ecosystem health in the ASEAN region.available
VideosSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementWildlife Conservation and Zoonotic Diseases: Halting Species Loss and Tackling Public Health in the ASEANA webinar which covered various aspects of wildlife conservation, management, and related issues, with a specific focus on its intersection zoonotic disease risks in the ASEANavailable
VideosThe Economics of Ecosystems and BiodiversityNatural Capital and Biodiversity as Integral to a Country’s Total Wealth: Learning from existing work and sharing future plansThe third session of a webinar series focused on the economics of biodiversity in the ASEAN contextavailable
VideosThe Economics of Ecosystems and BiodiversitySustainable Consumption and Production, Green Growth and COVID Economic RecoveryA webinar focused on the interrelated topics of sustainable consumption and production, green growth, and the role of these concepts in COVID19 economic recovery efforts within the ASEAN regionavailable
VideosThe Economics of Ecosystems and BiodiversityDasgupta ReportA webinar covering the key messages and recommended actions from the Dasgupta Review, a major independent review on the economics of biodiversity commissioned by the UK governmentavailable
VideosThe Economics of Ecosystems and BiodiversityThe Economics of Biodiversity: The ASEAN ContextA webinar highlighting experiences of ASEAN member states that have made progress in recognizing and valuing natural capital as a crucial asset for sustainable development.available
VideosThe Economics of Ecosystems and BiodiversityAwareness Raising Webinar on Sustainable Trade of Biodiversity-based Products and Biotrade in the RegionAn awareness raising webinar on the role of sustainable trade and biotrade in supporting the post-2020 global biodiversity framework.available
VideosASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementASEAN Heritage Parks 2020This video showcases the ASEAN Heritage Parks, a network of protected areas that preserve the exceptional biodiversity and unique ecosystems of the ASEANavailable
VideosASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementLaunch of ASEAN Green InitiativeA promotional video of the ASEAN Green Initiativeavailable
VideosASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementSustainable Financing for ASEAN Heritage Parks Session 2 : Financing Needs, Budgets, and Financial Gaps for AHPsThe second session of a webinar series on Sustainable Financing for ASEAN Heritage Parks (AHPs)available
VideosASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementSustainable Financing for ASEAN Heritage Parks Session 3: Potential Sources of Sustainable Financing for AHPs and PAsThe third session of a webinar series on Sustainable Financing for ASEAN Heritage Parks (AHPs)available
VideosASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementSustainable Financing for ASEAN Heritage Parks Session 4: Potential Sources of Sustainable Financing for AHPs and PAsThe fourth session of a webinar series on Sustainable Financing for ASEAN Heritage Parks (AHPs)available
VideosASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementThe Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool (METT-4)A recording of an online training which is focused on the METT Version 4, a globally recognized tool used to assess and track the management effectiveness of PAsavailable
VideosASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementThird ASEAN Conference on Biodiversity FINAL SESSIONThe recording of the closing event for the Third ASEAN Conference on Biodiversity, organized by the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) and the Government of Malaysiaavailable
VideosCoastal and Marine BiodiversityManaging Networks and Transboundary Cooperation on Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the ASEAN RegionA webinar on managing networks and transboundary cooperation related to marine protected areas (MPAs) in the ASEAN regionavailable
VideosUrban BiodiversityASEAN Workshop on Biodiversity and its Links to Human Health in an Urban Context and Capacity Building on Therapeutic Horticulture as an Example of the LinksA webinar which explores the connections between biodiversity, urban environments, and human health for an ASEAN audience interested in these intersecting environmental and public health issues.available
Policy BriefsAccess and Benefit SharingAccess and Benefit-Sharing: Ensuring the fair and equitable sharing of benefits from the utilization of genetic resourcesA policy brief on Access and Benefit Sharingavailable
ProjectsAccess and Benefit SharingSupport for Ratification and the Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing in ASEAN CountriesNagoya Protocol, Access and Benefit Sharingavailable
Peer-Reviewed Journal ArticlesWetlands and PeatlandsAnalyze the Biodiversity and Socio-economic Values of the Wetlands in Viet NamA research article that analyzes the biodiversity and socio-economic values of wetlands in Vietnamavailable
Good Practices in Biodiversity Conservation in the ASEAN RegionWetlands and PeatlandsThe Laws of Wetness: The Legislative Framework in Malaysia Regarding Wetlands Conservation This publication examines the legal and legislative framework in Malaysia pertaining to the conservation and management of wetlands. available
Biodiversity Policies in the ASEAN RegionSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementAgreement on the Conservation of Nature and Natural ResourcesA comprehensive regional framework for environmental protection and sustainable resource management among the ASEAN Member Statesavailable
Biodiversity Policies in the ASEAN RegionASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementPolicies DatabaseA database of policies related to biodiversity and environmental conservation in the ASEAN regionavailable
VideosHow ASEAN is Faring in Biodiversity ConservationBiodiversity, Conservationavailable
VideosInvasive Alien SpeciesInvasive Alien Speciesavailable
VideosConvention on Migratory SpeciesMigratory Species, Birdsavailable
VideosAccess and Benefit SharingACB 2020 Virtual Session 3: Transformative Change and Innovations in Biodiversity ConservationA webinar which is aimed at exploring innovative approaches and transformative changes in the field of biodiversity conservation.available
ACB Knowledge-sharing PlatformsBiodiversity Information ManagementASEAN Clearing House MechanismA platform which provides a cohesive and integrated perspective of the ASEAN biological resourcesavailable
VideosSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementGender Matters in Biodiversity Conservation: Launch of Regional Training MaterialsA webinar launching the new training materials which are developed to build capacity and raise awareness on the intersections between gender and biodiversity conservation within the ASEAN contextavailable
VideosASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementASEAN Heritage Parks and COVID-19 Pandemic: Impacts, Responses, and RecoveryA webinar discussing the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on ASEAN Heritage Parksavailable
ACB Knowledge-sharing PlatformsACB Youtube ChannelACB official YouTube channel that serves as a platform for sharing knowledge, raising awareness, and promoting biodiversity conservation efforts in the ASEAN region.available
Videos#ASEANYouth and the Wise on Resilience in Adversity (Webinar)A webinar focused on the theme of youth resilience in the face of adversity, particularly as it relates to the ASEAN region.available
VideosACB 2020 Virtual Session 2: Mainstreaming BiodiversityA webinar discussing the concept of mainstreaming biodiversity conservation into the planning and processes of various sectors across all levels of society.available
VideosACB 2020 Virtual Session 4: Business and BiodiversityA webinar focused on exploring the intersection between the business sector and biodiversity conservationavailable
National ReportsAccess and Benefit SharingBrunei Darussalam - 4th National ReportThe 4th National Report of Brunei Darussalam to the Convention on Biological Diversityavailable
Good Practices in Biodiversity Conservation in the ASEAN RegionASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementGood Practices for Biodiversity Inclusive Impact Assessment and Management PlanningThis publication is intended to provide guidance on incorporating biodiversity considerations into environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) and management planning processesavailable
DirectoriesASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementCBD National Focal Points as of 25 April 2024A directory of the national focal points from the ASEAN Member States for the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) as of April 25, 2024.available
KBA Course Prep DocumentsTutorial on using QGIS for KBA Identification and Delineation (ver. 1)QGIS, KBA Identification and Delineation, Tutorial, Workshopavailable
KM Plan and Product DevelopmentBiodiversity Information ManagementData Management using Species EncoderData Management, Species Encoder, KMavailable
PublicationSpecies Conservation and Wildlife Law EnforcementHalting Species Loss in the ASEANThis assessment provides an overview of current conservation status and available baseline data for ASAP species.available
PublicationASEAN Heritage Parks and Protected Area ManagementThe Adventures of Tuan: A Comic Book on Responsible Tourism in ASEAN Heritage ParksThis comic book will take us to adventures of Tuan in each AHP that he visited and will teach us important lessons on how to become responsible tourists in protected areas.available
ASEAN Biodiversity OutlookBiodiversity Information ManagementASEAN Biodiversity Outlook - 1st EditionA publication that provides an overview of the state of biodiversity, the key drivers of biodiversity loss, and the various initiatives and approaches ASEAN is taking to address these challengesavailable